Cirque Series
Specifically designed for short, fast, steep technical mountain running.
The Cirque Series is the premier short distance mountain running race series in the US with 6 different races on incredible terrain and challenging courses. You can check out the courses and get signed up at https://www.cirqueseries.com.
This TRACER Program was designed by Max King specifically for the demands of Cirque Series races. Max has years of mountain experience, is the 2011 World Mountain Running Champion, and 2X winner of one of the world's most competitive steep mountain races, Mt. Marathon. There is no better mountain running coach than Max to get you ready for the Cirque Series!
This program’s focus is on short distance mountain running with the goal of increasing your mountain endurance, VO2max level on steep inclines, and ability to withstand the rigors of uphill and downhill terrain.
Throughout this program you’ll find a variety of easy hilly runs, long runs on race specific terrain, and workouts designed to prepare you for the Cirque Series. Follow the workout descriptions to the best of your ability and give the program feedback on your feelings of fatigue, soreness, and sickness/injury each day to tailor the program to your needs.
When signing up for the Cirque Series Program you should have a level of base fitness that matches with your goals for the race. You’ll be selecting your starting volume and the volume you will progress to throughout the program. While a level of base fitness will help you reach a higher level within the program it is not mandatory. You should choose the starting volume that matches your current volume (i.e. 5-7hrs) and an ending volume at or one level above your current volume (i.e. 5-7hrs or 7-10hrs).
How hard you would like to be pushed during the program is up to you. A casual level will decrease your intensity while pushing hard to the next level will increase the amount of intensity. Intensity is defined by how many performance based workouts you have throughout the week. If during the program you find that you are being pushed too hard or not enough, you can go back and adjust the level you are at by selecting a different answer to the onboarding questions.
While having natural hills and mountains within your vicinity is helpful for this program, it is not required. There are many ways to simulate hills. If you don’t have natural inclines nearby a treadmill is the next best option. Another option is dragging a weight or tire behind you while you run. Sounds silly but if it’s the only thing available it will work. While these options won’t simulate downhill pounding it will prepare you for the uphills.
Downhill endurance can be trained through a separate strength training program of lunges, squats and dynamic plyometrics.
Try this program out, free
Sign up for an online demonstration of this program and we'll not only show you how it works, we'll hook you up with a free month on top of your 14-day trial!
About Max King

Max is a living legend in the world of running and brings a massive amount of experience and enthusiasm to TRACER. Put simply, Max lives and breathes running – whether that's racing, training or helping runners of all ages with his wealth of knowledge. Based in Bend, Oregon, Max has raced and won over a huge range of distances and terrain, including winning both the World Mountain Running Championship in 2011 and the 100km World Championship in 2014. A 4-time Olympic Trials Qualifier in the marathon and steeplechase, there is no race too short or too long for Max. He's as passionate on a 5km shakeout run as he is on the startline of a 100 mile.
Max has prided himself on being able to run anything from 3k steeple to obstacle courses to 100-mile ultras, adventure races, orienteering, and everything that involves moving on two feet. Recently he has taken on several projects to give back to the running community. He is a co-director of the Max King Trail Running Camps for youth and adults, the co-director of the Bend Marathon, and an advocate for youth running and public lands.
Max has been coaching runners of all ages for over 15 years and loves helping runners achieve goals, but more importantly encourages a healthy relationship with running so that it becomes a lifelong sport.
Check out his TRACER programs in marathon and base training to help you reach your goals, maintain fitness on the trail, and excel in maximizing your training time.